Tuesday, November 21, 2006
20th November 3 for 1 Ballet and cheap seats

20th November (Monday)
Woken up again by banging doors, check my watch and it’s only 05.55. Why can’t people be more considerate of others. It isn’t hard to shut a door quietly. Wake again 7.00. By half past I give up and get up.
Decide to go to Chinese Garden, and China town then the Aquarium then see about a ticket for the Ballet at SOH. First need to change some AMEX travel chqs. Get off train at right platform but walk way down Gearge St for AmEx. as the one in the book is now closed and moved even further down road. My bearings are screwed and I walk the wrong way for the Chinese garden and end up at Parliament and Sydney Hospital. (should nip in and have brain scan while I’m here). Past these buildings which are not the original 1813 buildings and there is the Australian Royal Mint which was use dto produce gold sovereigns and half sovereigns from 1853 to around the early 1930’s. from there I walked into Hyde Park past the Archibald Fountain and the Anzac War Memorial along Liverpool St and to the Chinese garden. Better late than never. Spent a lot longer here than anticipated as there is so much to see and lots of small, try to get you lost, paths. Also it is very peaceful and tranquil and I am loathe to leave it for the hustle and bustle of Sydney and it’s harbour areas. Had light lunch overlooking harbour area.
Went to SOH and got restricted view ticket on the left of the stage in the gods for $25. (£10) apparently there were only 6 left. The theatre always keep 20 or 30 seats unavailable to public incase some one important turns up. Like Bono I was told! Well I suppose HE thinks he’s important. Got the tickets and now can say I’ve been to see a show at SOH.
Arrived at SOH in good time bought a programme and glass of wine and settled in to wait fro the start. The things people wear on a night out. Guy in t-shirt and jeans. Girl dressed like a Goth but not one (Becky knows what I mean) Man in full Dinner Jacket ensemble and another girl wearing gorgeous cocktail dress and …………………. Trainers! I kid you not. Called to our seats with 10 minutes to go and find my seat has a view of about a quarter of the stage and it just got worse as old guy sat down in front of me and he is about 7 ft tall. Lady sits next to me and says this is ridiculous, look at all the empty seats. There are loads behind us. So we ask the usherette (sorry customer seating advisor) if we can move. The lights take their first dim to announce 1 minute to go and she takes us to new seats higher up but further in and yayyyyy! we have great view. By the way found out tickets for those seats would have cost $69.
Have been to the Ballet Revolutions at SOH and it was superb. They performed 3 ballets, Les Sylphides, Le Spectre de la Rose and Scheherazade. Each is a very different type of ballet. Les Sylphides has no story and is really a vehicle for the dancers to show off their artistry, The rose is about a girls dream and breaks all the rules by having the male dancer as principle and being pursued by the woman. Finally, Scheherazade is an erotic tale of love and loss of trust and infidelity. This was a riot of colour and an easy to follow story, danced brilliantly and naturally did not have an happy ending!
Eventually got home as the station has a limited train service due to track maintenance and then the station I need to change at is closed. So get off at a different station and have to walk to Town hall stn which is miles away. Sydney is deserted, where is everybody? Eventually get home at 11.15 having left city at 10.15. Normally takes 20 mins!